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Thomas Boulton


Thomas Boulton, one of 200 convicts transported on the Tottenham, January 1818
Conviction Highway robbery
Departure Dec 1817
Oct 1818
Personal Information
Name: Thomas Boulton
Gender: Male
Born: Unknown
Death: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Convicted at: Gloucester Assizes
Sentence term: 99
Departed: 31st Dec 1817
Ship: Tottenham
Arrival: 14th Oct 1818
Place of Arrival: New South Wales


Ship: Tottenham
Departed: 31st Dec, 1817
Arrived: 14th Oct, 1818
Passengers: 201



Primary SourceAustralian Joint Copying Project. Microfilm Roll 88, Class and Piece Number HO11/3, Page Number 3 (3)
Source DescriptionThis record is one of the entries in the British convict transportation registers 1787-1867 database compiled by State Library of Queensland from British Home Office (HO) records which are available on microfilm as part of the Australian Joint Copying Pro
Original SourceGreat Britain. Home Office
Compiled ByState Library of Queensland
Database SourceBritish convict transportation registers 1787-1867 database


No one has claimed Thomas Boulton yet.

Convict Notes

Contributed by Maureen Withey on 16th August 2022

Gloucester Assizes.—The following prisoners have received their sentence: Death.— … Thomas Boulton, for robbing Sarah Baylis on the Cirencester road; ... Of the above 18 capital convicts, Rd. Turner, Rd. Heath, and John Whittingham, were executed on Monday, they met their fate with the greatest resignation; aud Benj. Caines, Thos. Boulton, Patrick Dalton, Jas. Pegler, John Wilcox, and John Cozener, are left for execution on Saturday the 6th of September. Cheltenham Chronicle, 28 Aug 1817. -------------------------------------------------- Saturday last, Benjamin Caines and and Patrick Dalton, (the former for a burglary, and the latter for a highway robbery, near The New Passage,) were executed at Gloucester, pursuant their sentence. —The other four convicts who had been left for execution at the same time, have been respited. Cheltenham Chronicle, 11 Sept 1817.

Contributed by Penny-Lyn Beale on 23rd October 2024

1836 - Ticket of Leave. 7 Mar 1836. No; 36/207 Torn up and cancelled having been sentenced to 12 months, Iron Gang for improper conduct of a boy of the Male Orphan School. Letter dated 20 July 1838. Restored. 11 October 1843. No; 43/2407 1847 - Conditional Pardon. No; 1279


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Maureen Withey
26th Jun 2024crime
12th May 2011none
Maureen Withey
12th May 2011gender: m