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James Mcallister


** community contributed record **
Jan 1779
Conviction Perjury
Departure Mar 1809
Aug 1809
Personal Information
Name: James Mcallister
Gender: Male
Born: 1st Jan 1779
Death: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Crime: Perjury
Convicted at: Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Sentence term: 7
Departed: 10th Mar 1809
Ship: Boyd
Arrival: 14th Aug 1809
Place of Arrival: New South Wales


Ship: Boyd
Departed: 10th Mar, 1809
Arrived: 14th Aug, 1809
Passengers: 143

395 ton ship. Departed Cork, Ireland for New South Wales, Australia 1809. After leaving Australia, for New Zealand, the vessel was set upon by natives from Bay of Islands and most onboard the ship were massacred (including cannibalization). The boat was captured and towed to Motu Wai (Red Island) were it was totally destroyed.



Primary SourceSRNSW Convict Indents - "Boyd". SRNSW Convict Musters. 1814 Muster. Belfast Newsletter Tues 28 July 1807 p.2 SRNSW Cert of Freedom 1392 / CF 18/1678;


No one has claimed James Mcallister yet.

Convict Notes

Contributed by Robin Sharkey on 10th April 2017

James McAllister was transported for seven years on “Boyd” convict ship after being found guilty of perjury at Carrickfergus, County Antrim Assizes. From the Belfast Newsletter Tues 28 July 1807 p.2 (Report of County of Antrim Assizes - Crown Court): James McAllister had sworn oaths that another man named David Wilson had attempted to swear him (McAllister) to the United Irishmen. McAllister must have been a soldier because Wilson was, consequently, “indicted for an attempt to seduce James McAlister from his allegiance and for administering to him the following unlawful oath …” and here the newspaper detailed an oath supporting United Irishmen and Defenders. “ It appears that [James McAlister] and the prisoner [Wilson] were very intimate, but in consequence of a disagreement, they threatened to be revenged on each other. McAlister swore examinations against the prisoner, who was in consequence committed.” Some enquiries during the course of the trial must have supported Wilson in defending the claim. “After a candid enquiry on the trial, the Jury, upon a very able and perspicuous [sic] recommendation from Baron McClelland, found the prisoner not guilty.” “McAlister was then ordered into the dock, indicted for perjury, found guilty and ordered to be pilloried in Belfast and transported for seven years.” Another McAllister - Randall - had been tried on teh same day for in fact 'seducing' a soldier from his allegiance and was found guilty. Possibly a relative of James? - although McAllister is a name well Known in northern Ireland. Randall McAllister also sailed on Boyd with James (death commuted to life sentence). _____________________________________________

Contributed by Robin Sharkey on 10th April 2017

_____________________________________ In NSW:- Arrived aged 30 years Ticket of Leave number 753 & 875  Feb 1811 Muster James McAllister, convicted July 1807. “Boyd”, 7 yrs. Convict. Nov 1814 Muster - James McAllister; Arrived per Boyd, FREE ; Labourer, Mustered at Sydney. Victualling: Off Stores Cert of Freedom (from re-issued one in 1824, no 182/2772) James McAllister, tried Antrim August 1807, 7 yr sentence: Labourer, aged fifty (based on 1809 age would be only 45 yrs) hair brown to grey, eyes hazel, complexion ruddy, height 5ft 5&1.2 inches. 1822 Sept, Free by Servitude. GS (??why) to A Frazier, Sydney. Boyd, 7 yrs. 1825 Sept - James McAlister; 7 yrs; Free by Servitude Arrived per Boyd 1809, labourer, Sydney.


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Robin Sharkey
27th Mar 2023convicted at, term: 7 years, voyage, source: SRNSW Convict Indents - "Boyd". SRNSW Convict Musters. 1814 Muster. Belfast Newsletter Tues 28 July 1807 p.2 SRNSW Cert of Freedom 1392 / CF 18/1678; (prev. ), firstname: James, surname: Mcallister, alias1: , a